Founder KCX3 Pack

30.00 €

4.90 €

Your own exclusive lifetime KCX3 badge and 90 days of SuperSonix!
Now available on Sonix App

This pack is limited on time and exclusive for the Karmine Corp event, by purchasing this pack, you will have the exclusive lifetime KCX3 badge.
The badge points out you are one of the founders who supported the app development from an early stage in partnership with Karmine Corp!
You will also have a boost to SuperSonix for 90 days, which unlocks more features, the main one is latency so low the human brain doesn’t even record it.

Founder SONIX Pack

30.00 €

4.90 €

Your own exclusive lifetime badge and 90 days of SuperSonix!
Now available on Sonix App

This pack is limited on time and contains a lifetime SONIX badge and a SuperSonix boost for 90 days.
The badge points out you are one of the SONIX founders who supported the app development from an early stage!
The boost to SuperSonix unlocks more features, the main one is latency so low the human brain doesn’t even record it.

Inscrivez-vous pour la version bêta et profitez de grands avantages ;

  • Soyez parmi les premiers à profiter du chat vocal le plus rapide au monde
  • Profitez de toutes les fonctionnalités gratuitement pendant la période bêta
  • Fournissez vos propres commentaires sur la façon dont nous devrions améliorer SONIX

Thanks! You are awesome !

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Sign up for beta and enjoy great benefits ;

  • Be among the first to enjoy the fastest voice chat in the world
  • Enjoy all features for free during the beta period
  • Provide your own feedback regarding how we should improve SONIX